Like tihis picture: The grey bar is the same shade through out. No matter how many times I tell mind that it is so, I still see the gradation. Now just hide the background with your palms and you will see for yourself that is a solid grey bar!
How about illusions in real life and for that that matter dis"illusion"ment? Are there similar things that our mind presents to us how it would like to see them? So is there something like dis"illusion"ment. Can we really look beyond our own mind?
Wikipedia has the following definition for the word:
'''Disillusionment''' refers to a [[feeling]] that arises from the discovery that something is not what it was anticipated to be. Often, disillusionment is much more severe and traumatic than common [[disappointment]], especially when a [[belief]] central to one's identity is shown to be false" Woah!!
Dont you think most of the time when we feel disillusioned we come face to face with a reality that we were already aware of? Its just there is no more running away from it. So is it really disillusionment? Is the covering up of the background to see that it is indeed a grey bar, dis" illusion"ment? Isnt all this a game of words?
I think so.