Monday, January 29, 2007

Memory Matters

I read a quote somewhere and as usual I dont remeber the exact words. Its something to the effect that people look down upon a bad judgement but dont seem to mind a bad memory. Well it was put in a much better way, but what I intend to say here is that in general intelligence is weighed over memory. It may be noted that this applies to humans only and we are not talking about computers here.

So why is intelligence weighed over memory? I think, just like intelligence, a great memory is also something we are not born with. Its take effort to build a fast and relaible memory just as is does to acquire any skill and for that matter intelligence. Its another faculty that we possess that must be sharpened and developed.

A couple of days back I was discussing answers to those 'typical' interview quiestions with a friend and we came upon an extremely difficult one- what are your weaknesses? Now this is a delicate one and must be answers thoughtfully. Forgetfullness of names of people and books, we though is a safe anwer. Why is that?

I feel it is very important to remember things and details. It can help identify things that are linked, it helps connect with people and can save lot of time and effort.

The mind is an automatic filter which seives through the tons of information that this world throws at us every second, but it is important to regulate this apperture through which we take in the world. Its is to be ensure that we are not skipping to much and conciously absorb information.

Saturday, January 20, 2007

The power of a writer

"A few thousand words from Rachel Carson and the world took a new direction". The few thousand words are known as 'Silent Springs' and I got to know about this book through a course I am taking this semester.
Rachel Carson in her book, writes about how the indiscrimate use of DDT after the WWII in several countries was effecting the ecological balance and how this chemical was slowly poisoning the food chain. DDT till then was 'concidered' to be a wonder chemical which could solve all problems and bring about the 'green revolution' wherever it was used. Several people had conducted and published research on the negetive impacts of over-use and the caution that should be taken while using DDT, but not untill this book was published that people actually began to question something that had till date been promoted as a medicine with no side-effects.

The whole idea that a book got the people to take notice and raise their voice against the negligence of the governement, resulting in national level policy changes in USA is not unique.
What I really found to be amazing is that the author, who was a biologist and environmentalist, decided to deal with the issue by writing a book about it. She could forsee the power of a book in invoking masses to action.

Friday, January 12, 2007

My Neice

Every now and then I pretend to cry and she turns to me and asks with genuine interest " What's wrong?". I say that I am feeling sad :( She smiles to cheer me up and asks "again?" . Its the sweetest smile in the world wth two huge dimples on the cheeks and then she rushes to give me a hug.

I am sure if were really sad, that hug would make me feel just as cheerful.

Children are real charmers. Their innocence inspires simplicity of thought; their simplicity, out-of-the box thinking; their questions, deeper understanding. It can be a transforming experience to have them around.