Thursday, April 05, 2007

Where is global warming taking us

Ok there is a little homework for this one. Two movies to be seen--" Inconvenient Truths" by Al Gore and " The Great Global Warming Swindle".

These present two contrasting views of the same issue, GLOBAL WARMING, trying two explain the phenomenon and the expected patterns of the world climate in the near future.

I cant say who is pushing which agenda, but what we can say for sure is that "global warming fear" is pushing the sustainability agenda. Reminds me of what a teacher had said when a certain tragedy struck our department " It takes a tragedy(in this case fear) for people to come together to take action". Sustainability is all about good common sense,higher efficiency and human health. If global warming is the way to it, so be it. It would be wonderful if we knew the true picture. Reward or fear should not be the drivers to self preservation!!