Sunday, September 16, 2007


I was writing about my "ideal match" in my orkut profile today... Silly stuff on a sunday morning and here is what I wrote- "People dont fit together like pieces of a jigsaw puzzle". Its true they dont. The world of love is crazy. They say opposites attract; but can they love?
Well back to the original question; whats your ideal match?? I may have a certain image of MY ideal match, you know...tall , dark, handsome; rich, super rich; somebody with a good sense of humour etc etc. but what is the possibility that such a person has a person like me as a "pefect match" in his mind.
OR do we really think all that much when falling in love?? Its a fall, rather a trip and you loose your balance for a while. and once you start walking along with this person you try and match your pace. He might may have to slow down a little. you might have to catch up. And there you go, you are walking together.
And then there are people who are just not your type. You can sift through them quite easily. Its the close matches that could be worrysome. Its diffcult to see the gaps between the pieces with such a person but they are large enough that they cannot be filled with love.

1 comment:

Prashant Das said...
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