Sunday, October 09, 2011

IKEA - Hack

Its hard to be in US and not have an IKEA piece or two in your house. I personally have two words for IKEA- clever and cute! But it could also be - cheap and corny- at times. Yeah yeah you do need to watch out for the $10 side table and $30 desks that would fall apart if a book fell on it. And then there are pieces that you should NOT buy if you are looking for a unique home decor.

Here is what I came up with:

IKEA night stand Rast : $14- this one is a unfinished piece made of solid pine. No worries about this crumbling to bits or getting scratched.
IKEA mirror: $10 (+ some paint to match the rug)- This is a basic piece, trim is very basic and unfinished so it matched the night stand. Also the mirror did not have any distortions (or so I think!)
Marshalls wicker baskets : $3 each
UO Rug : $36 Although UO furniture is usually quite pricy (at-least per my standards), but they have some cool home accessories that can add the zing to other stuff
American Signature Stool: $10

1 comment:

Prashant Das said...

Less than 2 minutes in front of the mirror; really?