Sunday, May 03, 2009

Waiting for winter.

Are you SERIOUS!!

On a dreary rainy lonely weekend I found comfort on my couch covered with a shawl, a warm cup of steaming tea in my hand... in May. For a moment I did not want it to bright and sunny. There have been days in the last few weeks that have given the assurance that summer is around the corner. The wait for summer began months ago, but I realize that there is a cozy and comforting side of winter that could be missed. Just something to keep in mind on a hot restless summer afternoon.


eNIGMA said...
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eNIGMA said...

Oh I love this post, there is so much to winters, and to begin with just the thought of it is a comfort from the hot restless summer afternoon. When is tea sipping perfect, bundled up with friends in the same comforter, reliving long lost times? Winnter is the answer :)

Minu said...

Thanks you dear Enigma!! I can totaly see that we are totaly in sync.